Where do you go to find rest?
Last week my two older boys were out of school for Spring break. They were excited to have some time off, and they wanted to enjoy every moment they had. We were not able to make a big trip happen this year, so tried to find a few other local activities. We drove up to the snow on Mt. Charleston, we explored Ice Age Fossil's state park, we went swimming, and we camped out in the backyard! Nothing was too wild or extreme, but it still felt like we took advantage of the time we had.
A few fun moments from Spring Break!
I think we all need to find little ways to take a step back and embrace a fresh perspective. Perhaps you are unable to fly to the other side of the world, but we still need to find a way to appreciate the blessings that surround us.
This week in worship we will consider what it means to turn to God and find rest. There are a number of Biblical examples of people who needed to get away from the chaos of the world so that they could rest. I think this is important for everybody. I can personally get so caught up in the details of life, I can forget to the gifts right in front of me.
Enjoying a few of the little things...
Today I hope you can all find some rest. I hope you can embrace God's gifts of love, and I hope you can live inspired to follow God's Spirit.
Pastor Brian