Thursday, February 13, 2025

Finding Christ in the Storm

Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about my four month old baby catching a cold. Since that time, he has gotten better, but my older boys got sick. In the midst of their snotty noses, my nine year old also caught a stomach bug, and that slowly went through the house. After this, the same 9 year old got a major black eye when he bumped into another kid playing soccer. It was a hectic few days! They say when it rains it pours!

This week at CLC we are going to look at the scripture text describing Noah and the great flood. This is a pretty dramatic story, but we all have to go through storms in life. We all face moments of darkness and despair. The Bible story speaks of Noah lost on a stormy sea of waves. He could only trust that God would lead him through. 

Sometimes we try to convince ourselves that we are in control. We attempt to conquer trials by our own will and determination. This kind of resolution can be helpful, but the Bible tells us we also need faith. We need to acknowledge that we can't control everything. We have to be able to let go at some point and trust that we have a Savior who has always loved us. 

As I look at my family, I know I am blessed that we haven't had to face too much adversity. However, we need to remember the greatest gift we have is the gift of faith. We can believe that we are loved, and there is nothing that can separate us from God's love.

I pray that all of you are able to trust in God even when the storms are raging outside. When we face sickness, uncertainty, fear, or even death, we have to trust in a deeper love. We are asked to believe that we will never be alone or abandoned. We belong to Christ forever.


Pastor Brian

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Love matters

Last Sunday my four month old baby woke up with his first cold. We have had a number of close calls with the two other boys bringing home all kinds of germs, but it finally caught up with him. Overall, he is doing ok. He has a rough time sleeping, and he is dealing with a lot of congestion. However, he is not running a fever, and we are optimistic that he can power through this without it getting too far out of hand. It's just hard to watch somebody suffer. I want to do something to make him feel better, but all I can do is show him love. 

We live in a world filled with problems. There is violence, there is hatred, and there are natural disasters. I believe we all have a role in helping one another though these situations, but sometimes our job is simply to sit beside those in need. It is impossible to fix every evil. There is always going to be pain in the world. However, we are called to believe that our acts of love offer more hope than we realize. 

This weekend in worship we will focus on a scripture passage that deals with sin and brokenness. As human beings we are going to make mistakes. We are going to fall apart under pressure, but this does not mean we have to give up hope. God continues to love us, and where there is love, we can find hope.

This morning my son still woke up with a lot of congestion. However, he still was able to smile without too much effort. His older brothers also wanted to hold him and care for him. (My older kids are amazing! Yes, they can be a little wild, but they really love their brother! It is also super helpful when they hold him when I am busy!)

You wouldn't even think he was sick from this picture!

Today I hope we can all find some small way to love our neighbor. If we can't solve all the problems in the world at once, it's okay. God still loves us, and God is leading on a path of hope.


Brian Ward

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Searching for Hope

I still remember learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a child. My teachers spoke about the hatred and violence in the world, and I remember the hope I felt as we learned about Dr. King and the civil rights movement. 

This weekend in worship, we will celebrate MLK day, and we will lift up the inclusive love of God. Jesus came to this world to offer hope to all people. Jesus did not discriminate. He gave everything so that all people could have a voice. Throughout the Bible, prophetic leaders have had a very important role. They reminded us that there was hope, but they also had to face resistance. Jesus certainly felt pushback his entire ministry...

Christ never traveled the easy road. He went to the cross for all people. Today, as I reflect on Dr. King, I think it is so important to lift up the people who find hope in a dark world. I think it is important to give thanks for the people who choose to pursue hope even when it is not easy. 

Conquering all the world's problems may leave us feeling overwhelmed. However, I believe each person can offer something. My six year old son may not have much worldly power, but he can share hope. He loves to roll his window down as we drive home from school and greet all his friends. He is not looking at the color of their skin. He simply sees a friend he wants to say "Hi!" 

Today I hope we can all find a way to reach out the world in love, because every bit of love matters!


Brian Ward


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christ is with us!

It has been a wonderful Advent and Christmas season. I feel blessed by so many incredible worship services and meaningful moments with family and friends. I loved seeing the excitement in my children as they sang Christmas songs, learned their lines for the Christmas play, and opened all their presents. I certainly felt blessed.

As a pastor, I love working to create these moments, but in the end, I am unable to create joy in someone else. I can share the Good News. I can offer opportunities for people to hear the Good News, but I can't force someone to receive the God's promise or be filled with joy. Each person has to leave room for Christ. We have to decide if we are going to continue carrying the burdens of the world or if we are going to trust in an ancient promise. 

Sometimes I think adults get too lost in the cares of this world. Anyone can be defeated by their problems. There are so many difficulties we face everyday. Sometimes even the smallest things can weigh on us. Children, on the other hand, often have the ability to let go. They can trust in a good promise, and they can live in the moment. 

I hope we can all learn to trust that God is with us. I loved watching each of my boys discover that this year. Even my youngest, who doesn't understand any Biblical teaching, is learning to trust that he is not alone. 

Today let us leave room for the love God offers. Let's let go of the fear that holds us back and trust in the wonderful promise that we are always loved.


Brian Ward

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Joy is with us

This weekend we will light the third candle on our Advent wreath, this is often referred to as the candle of joy. If you follow the Advent tradition, you may notice that this is a pink candle. Joy is something that we notice. It stands out from the other weeks.

I really like this tradition, because it shows us that joy can be revealed before we see the baby born in a manger. You don't have to light all five candle to find joy. Joy is experienced along the way, though faith. This is true in our world as well. We don't always get to see the ending. We don't know where the ups and downs of life are going to take us, but it is possible to find joy along the way.

Are you able to feel God's Joy in your life?

I have sat with a number of people in the hospital recently. Some were in pain. Others were grieving, but everyone of them was going to face a difficult season. It is so hard when a part of us is missing. Perhaps we are missing a loved one, or we may feel like something is missing in our own hearts. Whatever is going on, Christ's message is the same: "I am with you always."

Throughout the Christmas season we hear God promise that Christ is with us. We may feel insignificant. We may feel broken beyond repair. However, God never abandons or forsakes us. We are each loved beyond what we can comprehend. I think our goal is to try and live by faith. If we can trust that we are not alone, we can also discover joy. 

Today you may be hurting or lost. That is okay. God is still with you. You may feel like you have pushed God away or rejected God's goodness somehow. That's also okay. God is not going to give up on you. We are all loved. If we can take one step toward God in faith, I believe we can start to discover the joy that God has already prepared for us. 


Brian Ward

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Giving Thanks

Have you taken time to consider what you are thankful for this season? 

I believe most of us know the importance of living with gratitude. Giving thanks has all kinds of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. However, it is easy to lose sight of these blessings that surround us. I will often find myself looking enviously at what my neighbors have. I wonder if I have enough. Do I need a bigger house? A newer car? Why do other families seem to have everything figured out? Thanksgiving sounds wonderful, but we often neglect the hope it shares. We are just to tied into the worries and fears of the world.

“A thankful heart is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the other virtues.” 


The ancient philosopher Cicero believed that all the other virtues came from thanksgiving. That's quite a statement! Does every other joy and good thing start by appreciating the gifts that surround us in the world? Modern psychologists are still trying to understand this, and they are still finding all kinds of connections between better health and gratitude. It just remains a question why we let our scarcity mentality win most of the time.

Today I want to live with a thankful heart. I don't want to rush past all the blessings that surround me in my home or in my church. There are too many reasons to let the darkness win. Let's open our hearts so that we can see the good.


Brian Ward

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Be still...

This morning felt particularly frantic in my house. The baby kept us busy all night, my 9 year old remembered he needed to finish a presentation, and the the neighbors called to ask if their 5 year old could come over before school. Add to all of this the regular list of cleaning, dishes, and laundry, and we had a full morning. As we were rushing around the house, my wife stopped and exclaimed that the baby smiled! It was an incredible moment. Our youngest just turned six weeks old, and he has really started to look deeply at people's faces. He is trying to mimic facial expressions, and we have just started seeing what could be smiles. It is incredible, and it would have been easy for us to miss. We are all just too busy to notice. 

"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today... The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
-Exodus 14:13-16

This week we are looking at the Old Testament Bible story of Moses. Moses was asked to do something impossible. He was called to set his people free from slavery. In many ways Moses felt like he had to carry this burden all by himself. However, if we look at the text, God is consistently telling Moses, and the people, to "be still." God is saying if we let go, then the Spirit will begin to work through us.

In my life, I can get pretty wrapped up in the everyday details. It is important to let go and trust that God is trying to offer miracles everyday. That is my hope for each of us. Let surrender to the love, mercy, and goodness of God.


Pastor Brian