Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Power of Words

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…

Sometimes I like to believe that I am immune to the words of other people, as this saying suggests.  However, looking back at my life, I know the words of others have deeply influenced me.  At times, words have dragged me down.  Other times, words have lifted me up.  Personally, I am grateful to have had so many positive voices in my life, and I actually owe so much of who I am, a running climbing pastoring dad, to the wonderful words of the people who believed in me. 

However, I also know words can hurt, and I know my life has been molded by this too.  When a colleague or coworker tells us we are incapable of a task, it can shut doors.  The judgments of people we’ve just met can destroy us.  When you think about your life, how are others influencing you? 

In the Bible, it is very clear that words are powerful.  In Genesis 1 and 2, God creates everything with His Word.  God gives life to humans with breath.  Words, and the Spirit that is behind them, create.  In the Gospel of Mark chapter 7, Jesus says that our words can bring good or evil.  Our words, and the spirit we share through them, can create good things in this world, or they can tear others down.  Today, I hope we can remember the power we all have.  Whether we realize it or not, we can each change the world.  We have the breath of God inside of us, and we can use it to love, or we can ignore it and pretend our actions don’t matter.  How do you want to live?



Thursday, August 20, 2015

Spirit of 45

Recently, I had the privilege of participating in a “Spirit of 45” event.  This event was celebrating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.  It recognized around 50 veterans of World War II, who were present at the event, and it left me with a sense of hope even in the darkest of times. 

It’s crazy how often I feel entitled to a care free life.  I mean, I’ll get frustrated when I run out of breakfast cereal or stub my toe…  However, we are all called to serve, and that’s not easy.  Seventy years ago soldiers risked everything they had in the hope that they could provide a better world for future generations.  Today, I wonder what we are living for?  Do we see ourselves in a world full of problems? Is everything against us?  Or, do we live with the hope that we can really accomplish something amazing?  Today I hope we can remember Christ is with us, and He asks us to believe we can work together to really accomplish something in the world.



Thursday, August 13, 2015

Summer Fun! (From Pastor Dan)

On the LA Mission Trip!
"Greetings to you! I am NOT Pastor Brian. This week’s “Brian’s Blog” is brought to you by Intern Pastor Dan! I am delighted to get to write a little bit and share some of my own thoughts and feelings about Ministry and Scripture.

We have had a very busy summer at CLC. Between mission trips, VBS, and different staff being on vacation, the heat of the summer has flown by. Something that has been on my mind and heart often over these weeks are just how difficult ministry, and life, would be without the love and support of those around us. We have around 2 dozen people working throughout the week to make sure that worship and ministries happen, and they happen well. This is including, but not limited to: Worship Leaders, Musicians, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Gift Shop, Office Administrators, Accountants, A/V/L Techs, Custodians, Graphic designers… So many people prayerfully working for the Kingdom of God! To me, this is a wonderful example of living out what Paul addresses in Galatians 6. He writes, “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (v. 2).

As disciples of Christ, we are called to live in community with others. This is not always easy; sometimes we can’t stand the people we do community with! Even more dangerous, is the temptation to think we can do it on our own. Society informs us that we can “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps”, and we are tempted to justify, or even save ourselves. Paul assures us that we have an advocate in Christ through the Holy Spirit, and we have lists of “fruit” in how the Spirit lives in us. I challenge you this week to look for ways the Spirit is calling you into community, and how you can help others in their times of stress or need.

- Intern Pastor Dan Nelson"

Pastor Dan and Pastor Brian... Can you tell the