Have you ever lost something really
important? Those moments that can bring
about feelings of anxiety, fear, and anger… I know, because I lose things all
the time! I will tear my house apart on
a regular basis looking for things that I have misplaced. It’s not a fun way to spend my time!
A while back I lost my wallet. I took it with me on a bike ride, and when I
returned, it was gone. I retraced my
entire ride, but after a few hours, I thought I would never see it again. However, later the next night, there was a
knock on my door. It was two 10 year old
boys. Both of them were named Jose, which I thought was kind of neat… They had found my wallet on the street, and they
saw my address on my driver’s license. I
couldn’t believe these kids had come all the way to my house instead of just
running off. In the end, I was blessed
to catch a glimpse of God’s love in the world!
This week we are looking at a very
famous parable about finding the lost. Life
is filled with chaos and stress, and it’s easy to become lost. However, Christ is always searching for
us. God is always calling for us to
return home to the joy of grace, love, and acceptance. It is my prayer this week that we would never
give up on ourselves as lost. We are
loved, and nothing will ever change that!