Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Season of Easter

Happy Easter!

In the church, Easter does not just last one day. We celebrate the resurrection for seven weeks. Unfortunately, I think many of us have moved on. The joy of Easter is wonderful, but we have lives to live. It is really hard to keep ourselves spiritually centered on the Good News. God offers us every good gift... but sometimes it is amazing how quickly these gifts can be forgotten.

Are you still in tune with God's work?

I know last year, my family was dealing with Covid-19 and other viruses. We were feeling kind of down after canceling our second attempt at a vacation. However, we did get away for about five days to Sequoia National Park. Recently my kids were reminiscing about that trip. They remembered hiking through the trees and swimming in the creeks. Looking back, we couldn't believe the trip was so short. We really enjoyed every moment together, and it was so important for us as a family. We really just needed to intentionally create some space to receive God's blessings. Instead of feeling frustrated that our plans kept falling apart, we made the most of the time we had. We found a way to connect to the gifts that God was providing.

I think God is calling to us everyday. Miracles are happening, and we can look to the scriptures to see all the promises God has in store for us. Christ is alive! What is it going to take for us to see this? My encouragement is for you to take a moment each day to open your heart. God is always with us. It does not matter if we are living with joy or with sorrow, God is present. Let us take a breath and remember that.



Thursday, May 4, 2023

Radical Grace

Last Monday, I stayed home with my youngest son. He did not feel too well the day before, and I wanted to keep an eye on him. Thankfully, he never got very sick, and we wound up spending the day together. It's interesting that I always feel like I am too busy for him. It always seems like there is something more important to do than play puppy dog... However, we had a really great day, and I am so thankful I took the time to be with him. Sometimes we need to make room for grace... We need to take advantage of moments that are not hard earned or hard fought. We all need to cherish the simple gifts that surround us everyday.

We talk about grace a lot in the church, and I think most people have a basic understanding of its meaning. They have heard a pastor or a friend talk about this free gift. However, there is more to grace than understanding a definition. True freedom is found when we let Grace into our hearts. We do not always want to make room for God's gifts in our lives. We want prove ourselves or our own importance. I think we need time to let go of the rat race we live in and experience what it means to feel loved without any preconditions...

Today I hope we can all take time for grace. I hope we can share and receive God's gifts in everything that we do. I hope we remember to cherish all the blessings that surround us.

In Christ,

Pastor Brian