I still remember learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a child. My teachers spoke about the hatred and violence in the world, and I remember the hope I felt as we learned about Dr. King and the civil rights movement.
This weekend in worship, we will celebrate MLK day, and we will lift up the inclusive love of God. Jesus came to this world to offer hope to all people. Jesus did not discriminate. He gave everything so that all people could have a voice. Throughout the Bible, prophetic leaders have had a very important role. They reminded us that there was hope, but they also had to face resistance. Jesus certainly felt pushback his entire ministry...
Conquering all the world's problems may leave us feeling overwhelmed. However, I believe each person can offer something. My six year old son may not have much worldly power, but he can share hope. He loves to roll his window down as we drive home from school and greet all his friends. He is not looking at the color of their skin. He simply sees a friend he wants to say "Hi!"
Today I hope we can all find a way to reach out the world in love, because every bit of love matters!
Brian Ward