Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Love! Chaos! And Disneyland!

This has been a very busy season!  After Advent, Christmas, and a quick trip at the end of the year to build a house in Mexico, it almost seems strange to have things calm down a bit.  Last week, my family and I had a chance to go on a quick vacation to Southern California.  We saw some friends, went to the beach, and we took our kids to the magical land of the mouse for a day. J We had never been to Disneyland as a family before, and our 3 year old could not contain his excitement!

Ready for Adventure!
Just preparing to go to Disney was a process!  (I felt like I was gearing up for a winter expedition on Everest or something…) We knew it was going to rain all day, so we brought rain jackets, ponchos, sweaters, and we zip locked all our electronics.  We had spare clothes, a double stroller, waterproof boots, and enough food and snacks to feed an army… I think we knew we were bringing way too much, but with the price of the tickets we didn’t want to take any chances! 

Our 3 year old was amazed at the whole experience!  He couldn’t stop running from one place to another, and on the way to our very first ride, he ran himself straight into a metal pole!  (I guess next time we should remember to add helmets to our list of Disney gear…) We didn’t notice how bad it was until we got onto “A Small World After All,” and we saw blood dripping down his face!

If you look close you can see the gash on his
left eyebrow... :)
After we made it to the nurse’s station, we had to laugh.  There is no way to prepare for everything!  His first ride on “A Small World,” and he comes out looking like a bloody mess!  We did wind up having a great day.  However, it was interesting to note as we look back on this trip, and the busy season that preceded it, the greatest memories were formed from the people we met and the love we shared.  Yes, there were moments of unpredictability and chaos, but if we are taking time to love each other, I believe we are opening our eyes to God’s Kingdom.

You never know when chaos will show up!
As we look back at our lives, we can always choose to see chaos.  We can find things that didn’t work out right.  However we can also choose to see the miracles and blessings that took place.  We have a choice not to be defined by the chaos.  We can choose love.  Today I hope you take step back from the business of your life, and I hope you can take some time to appreciate the love that surrounds you. 



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