I think Palm
Sunday is one of the strangest days in the Christian Church. It starts with shouts of “Hosanna!” Jesus rides into Jerusalem triumphantly as a
Savior. It’s a glorious day, and I have
many wonderful memories of it growing up.
However, by the end of the week, instead of shouting Hosanna, the people are calling for
Christ to be crucified. It’s amazing how
fast everything changes. In the end,
Jesus would bring salvation to the world, but it would not happen the way the
people expected.
Often times, I
have my own unhealthy expectations. There
are days I can’t believe anything truly new will show up in my ordinary
life. Personally, it has helped to have
a newborn baby in my house. However,
there are moments, in the middle of the night, when I start to believe this
baby will never stop crying… and those unhealthy expectations creep back up on
me… We can all lose sight of what really
matters. There may be miracles right in
front of us, but so often we never take the time to recognize them.
Jesus does not
always save us in the way we want or expect.
However, Jesus is offering us more life than we can possibly
imagine. Jesus said the New Kingdom
would be a Kingdom of Grace, where each of us will be welcomed. I pray this week that we could all open our
hearts and minds and see God’s Kingdom working in our lives today.