Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Finding Life in Lent

We are in the season of Lent, and in the Lutheran church, this season often reflects Christ’s journey to the cross.  Typically, this is a very somber time for me, but this year I feel like I am in a very different season.  I am filled with anticipation and hope for the birth of a child...  It’s actually kind of strange.  When I am at church, I often find myself focusing on themes like sin and death.  However, in the next moment, I am preparing for new life.  I am building cribs, stockpiling diapers, and trying to put these crazy forest animal stickers onto the walls of our nursery. (Even though I am terrible at any kind of decorating, I still find the process life giving.J)

Lent should be a time of renewal... We remember that life
comes from what is broken and dead.
At first, it didn't seem like these two seasons in my life were related at all.  However, at its heart, Christianity is all about bringing new life into death!  There will always be pain, suffering, and brokenness.  However, we believe that New Life is right here as well.  In the book of Titus, we see that it is never easy to follow Jesus, but we also find life in following the cross.  I don’t think we should ever forget that we are all broken and sinful, but I also pray that we would know that those things are not the end.  God’s Grace is always with us, and the cross will always lead to new life!



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post, Pastor Brian! Yes! Yes! Yes!
