Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Answering Prayers...

There are people in this world who pray several times day.  Other people may go their whole lives without uttering a single word to God.  Personally, I believe prayer can be incredibly powerful, but I also believe it can be incredibly mysterious.  There are times when I will cry out to God, and hear only silence.  In that sense, prayer can be exhausting.  It’s hard to pray at someone’s bedside as they slowly slip away.  In the end, it can make me wonder what the purpose of prayer really is. 

This week, we are going to be looking at a Bible story about a man named Gideon.  Gideon had faith in God, and he believed in prayer.  However, Gideon lacked faith in himself.  He prayed that God would solve all his problems, and God was indeed with Gideon every day of his life.  However, God wanted Gideon to answer his own prayer.  God was calling Gideon into action, and that was a response that Gideon wasn’t ready for. 

Sometimes, we are willing to pray.  We can ask God to solve our problems, but there are times when God seems unwilling to answer.  Perhaps these are moments when we are called to listen.  Perhaps God is calling us in some way.  We may doubt in our abilities, but there may be some hidden way we can offer hope.  God is calling each one of us…  Do you believe you can answer?



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