Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Forgiveness and Sacrifice

It takes a lot of work to be in relationship with someone.  I know that is probably a tactless statement to make so close to Valentine’s Day, but I believe all relationships require sacrifice.  I also believe that this sacrificial love has an incredible amount of power.  When we give of ourselves, for the sake of another, I believe we become a part of something much bigger. 
It’s amazing to watch my own little boy grow up.  It’s exhausting to chase him around every day, but it is incredible to see him respond to our sacrifices with love.  I don’t really think he knows what he is doing, but he is drawn to love.  He shows us his trust and affection and that is working miracles in my life.  I would also argue that it is not just children who have the power to do this.  I think all relationships can bring a glimpse the Kingdom of God.     
This week we are talking about forgiveness.  Forgiveness can be incredibly hard, and sometimes it’s all too easy to walk away instead of making that sacrifice.  Do you believe that we are stronger as a church together?  Today, I hope we are all able to find a love that is worth making sacrifices for.


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