Thursday, July 22, 2021

Chasing Greed or Blessings...

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

-Luke 12:15

Sometimes I look at all the stuff I have in my house. We have Legos, blocks, adventure sets, and action figures. We have piles of crayons, markers, and colored pencils. Then we have all the markers, crayons, and toys that we don’t use anymore. We have all kinds of stuff in our garage. We have piles of clothes. We have gadgets that seem important, but we don’t exactly know what they do anymore. It’s crazy to think that I actually pride myself on being able to get rid of things… I think all humans just have a desire for material possessions.

Jesus warned people 2000 years ago about greed. In those days people did not have nearly as many toys, gadgets, or clothes as we do, but greed could still disrupt and even destroy lives back then. Greed is just part of human nature, and if we don’t pay attention to the deeper blessings of God’s Love, we may miss out on some of the greatest rewards this world has to offer.  

A few days ago, my wife and I took the kids outside to the wash near our house. It had just finished raining, and the boys had an opportunity to splash in the puddles, climb on the rocks, and experience some truly simple joys. After being cooped up in the house for several weeks of hot temperatures, it was so nice to enjoy some of the things we typically take for granted. 

Today I hope we can open our eyes to the beauty around us. I hope we can realize that the path a better life is not found in simply obtaining more things. This world is filled with all kinds of wonder, joy, hope, and love. Let’s experience these blessings together!


Brian Ward

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