Thursday, January 11, 2024

Experiencing Change

We live in a world full of change. No one knows what adventures or difficulties await us this year. There are going to be joys and there are going to be great sorrows. The only thing we can really be assured of is change. Sometimes we welcome the changes that come our way, but there are also times that we will try to resist life's curveballs.

As I write this, we are less that two weeks into 2024, and I have already been surprised by the new year. I have watched new leaders step up in youth group. I found some extra time to spend with my family, and I got to go on a hike with some friends. On the other hand, I have also been to the Emergency Room after my five year old slammed his face into the sidewalk, and other family members are facing long and sudden hospital visits.

Throughout the month of January, Community Lutheran is diving into a sermon series all about change. God promises to love us, but when our lives get flipped upside down, we can forget this fact. Last week, we spoke about a person in the Bible named Naomi. This woman lost all the men in her life who were supposed to provide for her. She found herself in a different country surrounded by pain and sorrow. The only person to stand by her was a young woman named Ruth. Ruth was not from Israel, and she did not grow up worshiping the the same God. However, these two women found hope together. They had a faith that was bigger then what their eyes could see.

God is still working in our world today, but sometimes I let the small stuff get to me. Life is going to have difficulties, and there will be setbacks. Sometimes I will just lose it, because my kids won't go to bed on-time. However, none of this has to be a big deal compared to all the blessings before me. 

Today I hope you can all take a little bit of time to reflect on how God is working in you. I hope you can realize that your life is bigger than the twists and turns we may face. God has a plan for you, and you are constantly being transformed by the power of the Holy Sprit.


Brian Ward

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