Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Surrounded in Love

I stopped for a moment this week to think about everything that Community Lutheran has been a part of this summer. We welcomed all kinds of kids into our building for Vacation Bible School. We had a wonderful mission trip with the youth in California, and we found a number of other ways to serve the people right here in our own community. It has been a busy season, and the summer is not over yet! 

I think it is wonderful to see all the ways the church can reach out to others, but it is also important to find time to rejuvenate. I returned from a vacation a week ago, and it was such an important part of my summer. I needed time to let go of my worries, experience a new environment, and surround myself with the love of family. This year, my wife and I packed up the kids and drove to Colorado. We met my parents and my brother for some time in Estes Park, and later we went to my in-laws home near Denver. The entire trip was amazing. 

My kids were able to spend a ton of time running around with their cousins. We climbed mountains, jumped in lakes, and we laughed a lot as we enjoyed each other's company. We immersed ourselves in God's creation and we challenged ourselves in new ways. One particular day, I woke the kids up at 4:30 in the morning to get into the park before 5am. That may seem a little extreme (and it probably was!), but we had a big hike planned and we wanted to be back before any afternoon thunderstorms. We were going to a lake called Sky Pond. It was so amazing to watch the sun come up as we past several alpine lakes. We climbed up waterfalls, and we slid on a few patches of snow that were still lingering in the cooler areas. It was so much fun to see a my son and my brothers kids experience such an amazing moment. Everyone was in awe, and we loved sharing this time with one another.

Today, I am back in the office, and part of me is still missing the mountains. However, we are still surrounded by all kinds of beautiful moments. There are still countless blessings that we can be thankful for. Yes, it is quite a bit warmer here in the desert, but we are still a part of a church that can still look for God's Grace and share love with one another. Today I hope you can all open your hearts to God's blessings. I hope you can experience God's love wherever you go!


Brian Ward

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Living for the things that matter most

Earlier this week, I sat down with several people who were grieving the death of a loved one. Grief is never easy, and it often becomes even harder, because there are other issues that come up. There are services to plan, properties to deal with, and expectations to meet. It is easy to get lost in all the excruciating details, and we often lose sight of what matters most. 

I try to tell people to feel all their feelings. There is no shortcut to grief. We have to make time for all our emotions, otherwise they can spill out into all the other areas. 

Finding time to just to be still is important. We need to open our hearts to what really matters. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. Many of us spend way too much time dwelling on frustrating and ultimately insignificant details. We don't look at the deeper issues that may be causing us pain. If we took time to experience the real issues, then maybe we would be able to open ourselves to God's blessings.

We are in the midst of our KCLC sermon series. Last week we talked about honoring our "true colors." We are all blessed by God's love. The Bible says we are all created in the image of God. This is an incredible statement, but we do not always believe it. We allow little frustrating moments that define us. We are pulled away from the true message, and we are left chasing after all the wrong things. 

This week at CLC we are going even further. Not only does God love us just as we are, God wants to lift us up even higher. God believes in us, even when we are filled with doubt. Personally, I want to take time this week for what matters most. Sure, there are always things to complain about, but I don't want those things to define me. I want to stay focused on the love. I want to remain focused the grace and compassion that God shares. If we could all do this, I think our world will become a much better place.


Pastor Brian

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Summer Fun

Last week I was with a group of youth from our church on a wonderful experience in southern California. This is a mission trip I have attended every year that I have lived in Las Vegas. It is a wonderful opportunity for our kids to serve others and build relationships with one another. 

We primarily served a nonprofit called Christian Outreach in Action. This organization feeds hundreds of people everyday, and it provides all kinds of supplies for people in need. We spent most of our time at two different locations. One location was a warehouse that stored all kinds of donations. Our team from CLC was there to organize the space so that a yard sale could take place. We moved couches, tables, chairs, and a little bit of everything else! It took a lot of work, but the people were very grateful. I was also super impressed with the youth. Hauling supplies back and forth on a hot day is not easy. Our second service location was at their food bank. We organized and handed out food to people who were struggling. This is always one of my favorite service projects. We had the opportunity to talk to people who were dealing with all kinds of difficulties, and we were able to get to know them as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

In the moments we were not serving, we went to Mission San Juan Capistrano, a Holocaust Museum, and we also took a lot of time at the beach. I think these trips are so important. We learned how valuable it is to serve, and we had a chance to bond as a community. There is something about getting away from "normal routine" and experiencing a new way of looking at the world. We are all children of God and we each have a place.

This week at CLC we are looking deep inside ourselves. Are we controlled by fear or anger? Are we stuck in a rut? Are we only looking out for ourselves? 

I think we all need moments to step back and realize that God is calling us to something so much more. We are called to love and serve others, and this doesn't have to be a burden. In fact, loving our neighbors can help us to a deeper understanding of our true nature. It can make us feel completely alive!

Today, we can all experience the joy of God's Love through service. We certainly don't have to be on a mission trip, God is already here. As we celebrate our freedoms on the 4th of July, I hope we are all able to open our hearts in new ways and share the blessings around us.

In Christ,

Brian Ward