Thursday, July 11, 2024

Living for the things that matter most

Earlier this week, I sat down with several people who were grieving the death of a loved one. Grief is never easy, and it often becomes even harder, because there are other issues that come up. There are services to plan, properties to deal with, and expectations to meet. It is easy to get lost in all the excruciating details, and we often lose sight of what matters most. 

I try to tell people to feel all their feelings. There is no shortcut to grief. We have to make time for all our emotions, otherwise they can spill out into all the other areas. 

Finding time to just to be still is important. We need to open our hearts to what really matters. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. Many of us spend way too much time dwelling on frustrating and ultimately insignificant details. We don't look at the deeper issues that may be causing us pain. If we took time to experience the real issues, then maybe we would be able to open ourselves to God's blessings.

We are in the midst of our KCLC sermon series. Last week we talked about honoring our "true colors." We are all blessed by God's love. The Bible says we are all created in the image of God. This is an incredible statement, but we do not always believe it. We allow little frustrating moments that define us. We are pulled away from the true message, and we are left chasing after all the wrong things. 

This week at CLC we are going even further. Not only does God love us just as we are, God wants to lift us up even higher. God believes in us, even when we are filled with doubt. Personally, I want to take time this week for what matters most. Sure, there are always things to complain about, but I don't want those things to define me. I want to stay focused on the love. I want to remain focused the grace and compassion that God shares. If we could all do this, I think our world will become a much better place.


Pastor Brian

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