Monday, December 29, 2014

A New Year!

I love Christmas!  I love the celebration, the food, and the time with family and friends.  However, I have a confession to make… In some ways, I seem to get more joy in the anticipation of Christmas, rather than Christmas itself.  As soon a Christmas is over, I’m looking ahead to see what is next...  When I really stop and think about it, this is how I live my life.  I’m often trying to get to the next big event, and when I get there, I find myself thinking about where I could go next.   Now, I know I need to take some time to step back and just live in the joy of the season.  However, we live in a world that is constantly moving forward.  I think there is something inside each of us that is searching for something new.  We look forward to the NEW Year.  We find hope in a NEW day, and we delight in seeing something new and different.  Many times I think this is a very good thing.  However, I think it can also be pretty dangerous.
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are also searching for New Life.  They think they will find it in victory on the battlefield or through a bigger kingdom.   However, time after time, God’s New Life shows up in ways the people didn’t expect.  This week we are beginning a sermon series entitled “Making all things New!”   It is my prayer that we would continue to search for God, but I also pray that we might be open to seeing all the new and unexpected things that God is doing along the way!



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