Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Believing in the Resurrection!

If you are a part of a church, Easter is always a busy time.  At Community, we had nine services beginning on Thursday all the way until Sunday evening.  It’s always wonderful to work with new ideas, but it can become a little exhausting at times. 

When I was arriving to church early on Easter Morning, I was excited, but part of me was also feeling like I just had to get through the day.  I think that’s the way the world is sometimes… We say we believe in the resurrection, but we can doubt its power in our lives.  However, when I heard the trumpets, the choir, the praise, and all the voices from the congregation – I felt renewed.  We were sharing in an ancient story, and it was bringing hope all around me.  I think that’s why we need worship.  Sometimes we are too burnt out to find new life on our own… we need a community! That is where we find hope!  In the end, I wound up being so excited that I brought my newborn baby to 5 of the services last week.  (I think he slept through them all, but I’m okay with that.  We can all worship in our own way J)

One of the few moments when the kiddo was awake during Easter!
As we look ahead to worship this week at 9:30 and 11:00, we will be telling the Easter story once again through music.  I love these services, because music offers us all a way to participate in worship.  Each person is important. I hope you can find a way to join us!  See you then!



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