Thursday, February 18, 2021

What matters most...

How much time do you spend trying to be right?

How much time do you spend asking for forgiveness?

If you’re like me, you spend a lot more time trying to be right and much less saying sorry… I think it is wonderful when we can be correct, and I think we should always do our best to have our facts straight.  However, I know my obsession with being right can easily turn into something unhealthy.  For example, when I find myself arguing with my two year old, it is never a good thing.  In that situation, there is no point in trying to prove who is more logical… I can state what needs to be said, but I also need to let go of my ego. :)

There are also times when I am flat out wrong.  Sometimes there are church members who let me know that I have made a mistake, or my wife will tell me that I have messed up.  Other times my kids can even catch me in an error.  These moments of reflection should be helpful.  These should be the times when I open my heart to bettering myself.  However, I often entrench myself against them, or I will blame someone else for the mistakes I’ve made. 

In our church we have entered into the season of Lent.  This season encourages us to go back and reflect on our lives, and open our hearts to the teachings of Jesus.  It is a time to admit that we do not have all the answers, but we also remember that this was never the most important thing to Jesus.  Christ wants us to see that we are loved.  We don’t need to trample our enemies.  We don’t need to destroy anyone who is different from us.  We need to open our hearts to love.  This means admitting that we are wrong and believing we can be forgiven.

In our sermon series, we are going to take a deeper look at the book of Galatians in the Bible.  This book was originally written as a letter to the church that existed in the ancient city of Galatia, and it offers us an incredible amount of hope.  However, we have to swallow our own ego at times to see it.  

Today I hope we can all hear the message that God is with us.  God loves us and cares for us just as we are.  If we can let this message into our lives, then I believe our need to tear others down will diminish.  Let us embrace God’s gifts today and share the light with the world!


Pastor Brian

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