Thursday, September 30, 2021

Are you listening for God's Grace?

This week we are beginning a new sermon series on the book of Jonah in the Bible. Jonah is filled with some pretty wild stories and unbelievable moments. There are people who use the book to say that the Bible is just a made-up tale. How could a man be swallowed by a great fish and live in its belly for three days? How could the great and terrible city of Nineveh repent like the story describes? (They feel so remorseful they even put their animals in sackcloth!) 

I think it is easy to get lost in all the details… We can be so consumed by our questions that we miss the beauty of this little book. 

Every few weeks one of my kids will pull our Children’s Bible off the shelf, and they will want to hear the story of Jonah. This ancient tale is still incredibly meaningful today, and even toddlers can be inspired by its grace. 

The book tells the story of a man who runs away from God’s calling. He doesn’t want God’s gift of grace to show up for his enemies. However, God works through Jonah and miracles happen! As unbelievable as this story may be, there is something timeless and true about it. Today I wonder if miracles are happening in our lives that we are choosing not to see. Are we so tangled up in a web of hatred and fear that we are missing out on God’s Love? 

Let’s open our eyes to the miracles around us. God is doing incredible things… I hope we can enjoy every second of it!




  1. Thank you Pastor Brian for this incredible reminder that we are given God's grace
