Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Real People

Our mission at Community Lutheran Church is defined with eight words:

Real People
Inclusive God
Radical Grace
Inspired Growth

Over the next four weeks, we are going to be taking a deeper look at each of these phrases individually. This weekend we will try to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be Real People. 

On one hand, being Real People is perfectly obvious. We can only be ourselves, and trying to be anyone else is ridiculous. However, we can spend a ton of time trying to hide our failures or even the truest parts of ourselves from others. It is not easy being vulnerable, and can be hard to admit that we are not perfect. 

A couple weeks ago, I had a conversation with a handful of teenagers. I asked how many of them had people in their lives they could talk honestly to. About half of these kids said they wouldn't share their deepest secrets, or their truest selves, with anybody. They had learned not to trust, and they believed they were more likly to end up worse off if they opened themselves up to being vulnerable.  

Now I know this group of kids is not a statistically significant sample, but there are plenty of people who feel this way. If we can't trust others, I don't think we will ever realize our full potential. As a chuch, we are called to embrace everyone. We shouldn't judge others for their misteps, and we shouldn't judge ourselves. We all need to take time to recognize that God beleives in us, and Christ loves us just as we are. 

7 Beautiful Examples of God's Grace in the Old Testament

Today I hope we can see ourselves honestly. It is okay to be imperfect. Let's be gracious to one another, and let's take a little extra time to share God's Love with a broken world. We all need to hear this Good News.


Brian Ward

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