Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Living with the Holy Spirit

Have you ever felt alone? 

A few years ago, Harvard professor Robert Putnam published the book "Bowling Alone." In this work, he states that people are spending more time by themselves. Instead of connecting with others, at places like church or bowling alleys, we find reasons to disconnect. 

I have been thinking a lot about loneliness recently. A week ago, sat with four young kids who had unexpectedly lost their father. These kids were facing an incredibly heartbreaking new reality. Another woman, who had been a caretaker for many years, had just lost her own father. She was struggling, because her house now seems so empty. I also spoke to several youth who were feeling bullied and isolated in their own ways. 

I think everyone has to face loneliness of some kind or another. We also have to ask ourselves if we believe that God's Love can reach us in our time of need... When we feel lost where do we turn?

This week we are celebrating the festival of Pentecost in the church. This is an ancient Jewish festival that came fifty days after the celebration of Passover. The people came together to offer a thanksgiving feast after the grain harvest. However, the disciples were surprised by the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Two thousand years ago, the early followers of Christ felt very alone after Jesus was crucified. First, they had to grieve our Savior's death, then they experienced the astonishment of the resurrection. Before they knew it, Jesus returned to heaven. They were all left wondering what to do next. Instead of acting, they spent much of their time hiding behind locked doors. 

In the midst of all their doubts and fears, they were visited by the Holy Spirit. God showed up. Even when they lost hope, the Spirit transformed their lives.

The Holy Spirit still moves in our world. Even if we are lost and feel completely broken, God does not give up on us. We are called to take time to listen for the presence of God. Sometimes I think social media and all the electronic ways of staying in touch can actually do us a disservice... Sure, they can be wonderful tools, but they are not a substitute for actually loving our neighbors. 

Our world is always changing. People come into our lives and people will leave our lives. Today I hope we can pause and listen for God's calling. I hope we can trust that God has not abandoned us. I hope we can take time to share God's love with the world.


Pastor Brian

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