Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trying to live with faith

Last weekend I had an opportunity to go out of town with my family. We had a blast camping  in Duck Creek, Utah. I love being surrounded by nature, and I love going to the mountains. There is a beauty that is hard to explain, and there is also a certain element of surprise that I really value. When I am at home, it is fairly easy to prepare for the day. I know what the weather will be, and I know exactly where I am going. However, when I travel to the mountains, I have to deal with a certain amount of unpredictability. 

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I love an opportunity to go camping!

When we pulled into our campsite, the sunny sky suddenly became rather dark. A mixture of snow and sleet started falling down on us. The nights dropped down to about 38 degrees, and the neighbors, who we went camping with, had a child who became super sick. They had to rush him off the mountain to the nearest emergency room. I never want to see anyone sick, but there was also a sense that we had to put our faith in something greater. We can't control everything. There are times we need to let go and trust in God. We can try to make ourselves believe that we are always in control, but I do not believe that is true. In order to live life to the fullest, I believe we need faith...

In our sermon series at CLC, we are looking at the story of Joseph in the Bible. This man lived long before the time of Jesus, and he faced some incredible difficulties. He was sold into slavery, accused of false crimes, and thrown into prison. It is hard to keep the faith in these moments, but Joseph was able to believe. He trusted that God was in control even when the world looked like it was falling apart.

I wonder what would happen if we learned to trust a little bit more. I love to control every situation I'm in, but that's not always good for me. I love to go to the mountain to remind myself that there is something bigger. When I let go, there is an opportunity the experience the beauty of creation in a new way.

Today I hope each of you can take a step toward surrendering to God's Grace. Jesus came to this world to remind us that we are not alone. We can trust in God.

(Here are a few more pics from our trip...)

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Exploring the ice cave

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Our home for a couple of nights...

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Enjoying Cascade Falls!

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Nothing like grilling bacon over an open flame...


Pastor Brian

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