Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A new journey...

It is back to school week in Clark County, and that means I now have a Fourth grader and a Kindergartener. I know it sounds cliche to talk about, "kids growing up too fast," but it is so true. Just a few years ago, I was in the midst of changing diapers and waking up at all hours of the night. (Yes... I know in a few weeks I will be starting all of this over again!) However, it is amazing to watch kids grow. They are taking in so much, and it is pretty incredible to watch these milestones take place. 

On Monday morning we got to school extra early to say goodbye to both of our kids. Years ago, when we dropped our oldest son off for the first time, it was right in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. We had to give him a hug at the gate and watch him walk up to the new school by himself. This time we were able to enter the school grounds and make sure our kindergartener was all lined up correctly. Immediately, he saw his friend who lives across the street. They started to play together, and when the teacher called, they lined up and went inside. As parents, all we could really do was watch. They teachers all seem amazing, but it is still strange to let go. For so many years we did everything for them. Now it is time for them to begin a new chapter. 
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Before the end of the school day, we had neighbors who worked at the school texting us saying that our kids were doing fine. They were laughing and saying, "Hi!" to everybody. In the end, I have to realize it is important to let go...

Our sermon series at CLC is looking deeper at the Old Testament book of Ruth. This ancient text tells the story of two ordinary women who opened their hearts and trusted God. They never experienced any supernatural miracles, but they did follow the Spirit. When their lives took an unexpected turn, they learned to trust in God. Christ is still present in our world today, we just have to get out of the way and allow God to work.

Today I hope you can all let go of any baggage in life that is holding you back. I hope you can find new ways to let go and trust the Holy Spirit. Life may become difficult at times, but God is calling you to believe in something new and wonderful.


Pastor Brian

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Pastor Brian! Congratulations on all of the above with your boys starting back up to school. I needed to read this blog this morning!
