Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Moments of change...

Earlier this week, I had to take a few hours to finish childproofing our house.  This was probably something I should have done a long time ago, but it always seemed like I had more time.  However, the baby has recently made it his full time job to try and pull everything out of our cabinets that he can.  Everything he can reach in the pantry has been thrown on the floor.  He’s pulling out pots and pans to bang on, and just a couple days ago I caught him trying to run off with the toilet bowl cleaner.  Needless to say, it was long past time to get the house ready. 

It’s amazing to me how quickly everything changes.  A month ago, our baby was a totally different person.  It’s hard to imagine what things will be like a few years from now… As humans, we are always changing.  It’s easy to watch the milestones of our 10month old baby, but I think growth and change are important at any age.  This week, we are looking at a Bible story of a very powerful moment for Jesus and the disciples.  It was a mountain top experience that changed everyone.  The disciples saw the power of a sacrificial love, and this forever changed their lives.  Today, I wonder how you have seen the power of love… Have there been moments where love showed up and forever changed you?  I hope we can all take some time in the days ahead to open our hearts and really feel God’s Spirit!



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