Thursday, July 27, 2017


I just had an amazing week with our youth group in Rosarito, Mexico.  Our youth teamed up with Amor Missions to build a house for a family in need.  The family had a two year old girl who had been very sick.  The doctors were saying this girl was unable to stay in their current home because of the black mold that was all over their house. 

The whole group and the family!
Our small group from CLC was able to build a new house for the family in just 3 days.  It wasn’t much by U.S. standards, but it offered a bit of hope to this family.  It was a powerful experience that pushed each one of us, and I believe we all walked away with a deeper sense of ourselves.  We discovered what Christ was doing in the people there, and we began to see God in so many new ways.  I love these trips, not just for the service we do, but also for the change and grace we receive from the people we meet.

Today it is my hope and prayer that you could look for Christ when you face moments of difficulty.  In moments when you feel overwhelmed, or like you are facing the impossible, I pray you could discover Christ working in your life!

Peace and Blessings!

Pastor Brian

We put the frame up on the first day!
Finishing up the Stucco on day 3.  In the background you can
see the home the family was living in at the time.

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