Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas Imperfect

This is a busy time of year.  I have church services to prepare, people to see, and presents to buy.  All in all, I spend a lot of time trying to make Christmas perfect…  However, I was drawn to the Christmas story this week, not as a story of perfection, but as a story of people who found hope in imperfection…
Mary became pregnant before she was legally married.  In that day and age, this was a crime Mary could have been killed for, but she found hope instead.  Mary and Joseph were also ordered to go to Bethlehem to be registered for a tax to the emperor.  Soon after this, the young family had to flee to Egypt to escape a jealous and insane King who ruled over Israel.  This was a terribly imperfect time, but somehow hope showed up.
A young family trying to find hope in a crazy world...
As I look at the world today, I see so much pain in places like Syria.  Wars seem to go on without ceasing, and there doesn’t seem to be much hope for peace.  However, I am drawn back to that first Christmas story.  We are called to believe God is with us – even when things don’t go our way.  Today, it is my prayer that you find hope.  May you believe God loves you, and may you know that God goes with you wherever your journey takes you. 


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