Thursday, July 11, 2019

Choose to Love

Where do you feel called?

Is there a time when you feel God present and working within you?

These are incredibly important questions for people of faith, and I believe God is constantly calling us to grow in our walk with Christ.  Nevertheless, I personally admit that I rarely give these questions the space they deserve.  I just get wrapped up in the day to day experience of life, and I regularly need something to open my eyes to the Spirit’s work! 

A couple weeks ago, I was on a trip with the youth group in Los Angeles.  Now, I believe you do not have to travel to serve God, but there is something sacred about setting aside a bit of time to join other people to serve, pray, and love.

Called to serve in LA!
I grew a lot that week just by watching the kids love their neighbor and love each other.  Grace abounds on this trip, and the kids inspired me to intentionally leave space to look at my neighbor with love.  (As youth mission trips go, the kids also took time to share plenty of drama and a few weird smells too, but that is all part of the journey.J)

Wherever you are, I hope you believe you have a special calling right now.  Jesus tells us in our scripture this week that we always have opportunities to love.  There are times I feel like my life is mundane… Sometimes the most exciting thing is discovering what strange new rash the kids have, or how many times did their bowels move? (Seriously, I call my wife for updates!)  But we are all in a different place, and my family is certainly part of my calling!  Today, I hope you can be present… right here and right now.  I hope I can believe in power of this moment, instead of dismissing it.  God’s Holy Spirit is before us today!  Let’s choose to embrace the gifts that are given!



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